Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bombertown, The Musical

Monday, May 10, 2010

Culture Days

Culture Days: Celebrating Arts + Culture from Coast to Coast

Choir end of year BBQ

Date: Sunday, May 16th
Time: 4pm
Place: St. Ann's Church

For: Past and present choir members, friends and family

As usual, everyone is asked bring whatever they wish to barbecue for themselves, along with plates and cutlery and lawn chairs. As well, it would be great if people brought musical instruments, so we can do some singing.

Salad and dessert are on a pot-luck basis. Bring your own meat to bbq as well as buns if you are bbq'ing wieners or sausage etc.

The Choir will provide tea, coffee, juice and condiments.

There won't be a bar this year (we lost money on it last time!). If individuals want to bring something to drink for themselves, that would be up to them.

Susan Lethbridge has kindly agreed to help us with this event. (Thank you Susan!)
We will need help with the following items:

two barbecues (ours pretty well bought the big one at the end of last year!)
transportation to bring barbecues to and from the hall

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